A British woman and her mother rescue battery hens, chickens that spend their lives inside tiny cages producing eggs. Nicola Congdon and her mom, Ann, quickly realized that the birds had difficulty adjusting to life outdoors and would easily get cold.
That’s when the two put their knitting skills to work and began making sweaters for their 30 or so feathered friends so that they would stay warm through the colder months!
“It’s important to make people aware of the poor conditions the hens live in and the fact that they have no feathers when they are retired,” Nicola says. “They keep them warm and makes the chickens easy to identify,” she says of her sweaters. The chickens don’t mind the knitwear at all and are quite content to wear them.
Since news of their chicken sweaters spread, people have wanted to buy them so Ann and Nicola have decided to donating all the proceeds from the sweaters they sell to an AIDS orphanage in South Africa.
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This is not the first time, knitted sweaters have benefited birds. An elderly Australian man has knitted sweaters for penguins sickened by oil spills. Check out the story here.
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