Meet Rami, an unusual mixed breed dog who was found as a stray in a backyard in Moultrie, Georgia, back in January 2015. He came to the Moultrie Colquitt County Humane Society who quickly discovered the dog was energetic and “a sweetie pie”. His unique appearance made him instantly go viral. But there’s much more to Rami than his looks!
Rami’s parents were a Dachshund and a Pit Bull.
Soon after Rami arrived at the shelter, they put up an adoption notice on Facebook and Rami received worldwide attention.
Just look at him go!
Thousands of adoption applications poured in and Rami became a celebrity. When his popularity skyrocketed, the shelter carefully reconsidered his adoption; they wanted to ensure he did not become a “freak show”.
That’s when they decided it would be best if they gave Rami a home and make him the shelter’s ambassador.
“Now I’m going to get the training I need to be a certified therapy dog so I can visit more kids in schools and hospitals, and even the elderly in the nursing homes,” a post on Rami’s Facebook page read after the announcement.
With his new family, Rami is learning his manners and he’s got a great new mission.
He bring awareness to the pets in the Moultrie shelter and shelters everywhere!
Rami visits adoption events and encourages people to adopt shelter dogs like him.
Just two of the many people I had the opportunity to meet today. Thanks to all who came to visit me today! You are all the best! PAWS up to all my friends!
Posted by Rami on Saturday, April 18, 2015
He also says goodbye newly adopted pets, wishing them well with their new forever families.
When his day is done, he goes home where he nurtures the foster animals that his parents bring home.
“At night I go to my other home where I can play and sleep with my fosters! No more worries as a dog on the street, now I have food in my tummy, a warm cozy bed, and lots of friends and most important…LOVE!!”
Rami is one adorable and happy dog. Please share his happy ending with your friends and family!
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