There’s nothing special about this piece of wood, but one man named Ryan did with it, you’ll see why it’s so special.
Ryan shared the following photos with to demonstrate how he used this wood block to help change his life.
Ryan had an important day to plan for. It took thought, care and work, and it all began with a rough block of wood.
Here’s the raw material…
He started with a nice piece of 8/4 Figured Sapele turning stock. Sapele is a wood from an African tree.
He cut it down to 2x2x2 and sanded it into a square.
He then cut it approximately in half (and left more material on the top half for later shaping).
Then he measured the cutout, and drilled holes to remove the excess material.
Here’s one half roughly chiseled.
Both halves roughly chiseled.
He chose the front.
It started to take shape.
Holes were drilled and the wood shaped to fit barrel hinges.
The barrel hinges fit perfectly.
It looks like a box! But what for?
Next the edges were filleted.
Then it was roughly shaped until it was ready to be sanded.
He sanded it to 400.
Sanded it to 800.
Sanded it to 1600.
Until it was ready for shellac…
… three coats of Zinsser clear shellac were applied.
Note the sophisticated drying mechanisms.
Here’s the box after it got one coat.
After three coats.
The hinges were glued.
The perimeter was lined with blue satin.
The hinges were covered.
Pillows were added and the lining completed.
That doesn’t look like a ‘no’!
Photos reprinted on Reshareworthy with permission from Ryan.
I love the time and effort Ryan put in to making a block of wood into something beautiful for his future wife. There’s something incredibly special about this engagement and it stems from Ryan’s huge care and effort in crafting an important part of his future with his fiancée.
Share this heartwarming story with your friends and family and spread some inspiration to make something special for the people you love.
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