Andrea Pasinetti found himself helpless to save his three beloved rescue dogs during the California wildfires. He was in San Francisco for work, while his wife was overseas, when they learned that the fires were approaching their Pacific Palisades home. Their dog sitter was also unable to reach the house because of the fires.
Desperate to save his dogs, Andrea jumped on a plane, and a friend picked him up from the airport. However, when they reached his neighborhood, it was impossible to access his street. Faced with limited options, Andrea and his wife realized they needed help from someone already in the area. That’s when his wife spotted CBS News’ Jonathan Vigliotti reporting from a school near their home. They scrambled to contact him and eventually found a friend who could reach out to the reporter.
Jonathan and his producer, Christian, did not hesitate to help the strangers, risking their lives to save all three dogs. Watch their dramatic rescue in the video below:
The three rescue dogs have anxiety and were likely scattered throughout the house, which presented a challenge. Thankfully, Jonathan and Christian located each of the dogs and brought them all to safety. Andrea was in happy disbelief that his dogs were rescued and incredibly thankful. Reflecting on the experience, Andrea said, “I never felt that mixture of joy and relief and exhaustion and despair and gratitude towards someone.”
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