I love what this woman did to help an injured deer that wandered into her back yard! Eva the wild deer and her herd pass through this family’s yard regularly because they live on the herd’s traditional migration area. As result, the deer have become accustomed to the humans in the area. On this particular visit, the family noticed that Eva was hurt and decided to help her. They explain:
“Over many years the herd has ‘adopted us’ and they greatly appreciate that we don’t care if they eat the clover lawn we planted, or any of the other vegetation. Sometimes, when we notice a deer in trouble, we help out.”
“Eva had two large scrapes on her back. Perhaps she ran through the woods and scraped against some low hanging branches. We used the Bach Flower Remedy Rescue Cream on her wounds to help heal them, and to lessen the chance that they would become infected. Since deer love to eat flowers more than almost anything else, we are sure Eva approves of the Rescue Cream.”
It’s amazing to watch how calm and accepting Eva is of the help from the woman helping her! And what she does to thank them afterwards is pretty incredible too.
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