A Starving Baby Horse Was On His Last Legs Until A Concerned Neighbor Stepped In To Help

This story is an excellent example of how one person taking action when they see something terrible can save lives! A neighbor was concerned for the welfare of a horse and her foal, after noticing they were locked up in their stall and never let out.

One day, the two horses escaped and the neighbor took a photo of the baby horse and sent it to RVR horse rescue in Riverview, Florida. It was immediately obvious from the photo that Timmy the baby horse was in real trouble. He was so malnourished he could barely walk!

RVR rushed to get the mom and her baby and take them back to their facility where they could nurse them back to health.

Watch the video to see the amazing transformation Timmy goes through. A situation that could have ended tragically ended up having a wonderful happy ending thanks to the Good Samaritan and RVR!

Please share this video with your friends!

Timmy’s rescue reminds me a lot of Buddy’s, another baby horse who fought to stay alive!

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