Baby Koala Stays With His Mother During Her Life-Saving Surgery

A baby koala stayed by his mother’s side while she underwent life-saving surgery after she was struck by a car.

The mother koala named Lizzy was hit by a car on a highway in Australia and suffered a collapsed lung and facial trauma. Her 6-month-old joey was unharmed but clinging to her side.

The marsupials were rushed to the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital where Lizzy had emergency surgery.


Photo credit: Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital / Facebook

“Hang in there mum, I’m here for support!” During the procedure, her baby (named Phantom) stayed in the operating room and hugged her the entire time!


Photo credit: Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital / Facebook

Thanks to the veterinarian team, mom Lizzy is now recovering. She and Phantom will recuperate at the hospital, which was founded by Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin and his wife Terri.


Photo credit: Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital / Facebook

The hospital sees an average of 70 koalas a month! They rely on donations to help save koala patients like Phantom and Lizzy! The hospital has treated 58,000 native wildlife patients since opening.


Photo credit: Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital / Facebook

Lizzy is now on antibiotics and is receiving plenty of TLC, as is baby Phantom.

Share Phantom and Lizzy’s story with your friends and family!

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