This video is shocking! Coby Persin creates a social experiment to see just how easy it would be for a pedophile to pick up a teenage girl through social media. With the permission of the teenage girls’ parents he created a fake Facebook account and befriended the girls. He begins chatting with the girls to see what they would do and invites them to meet.
In every case, the girls responded. But what’s incredibly shocking is that they all agree to meet up with a “boy” when their parents are not around after only a few days of correspondence.
The encounters end up shocking the teens and their parents to the core.
If you are a parent of a teen (boy or girl) please show them this video to better educate them about the perils of taking what they see on social media at face value. They may not consider the casual acquaintances they make online could potentially become dangerous to their safety.
Share this video’s important message with your friends and family !
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