Charlie Womble and Jackie McGee are no strangers to the dance floor. They’ve been dancing together for more than 30 years and performed in countless competitions, winning many titles. During the National Shag Dance competition’s first 10 years, they won nine times! Shag Dance is based on the Carolina Shag, a swing dance that is a six-count, eight-step pattern danced in a slot (a slot being a straight line).
How at ease are Charlie and Jackie dancing the Shag? Watch them performing at the Spotlight Dance at Shag Atlanta 2013 ACSC’s Summer Workshop. It will leave you with no doubt as to why they are so popular. The pair are now in their 60s, but their surefire steps and charismatic presence captivated the crowd. They also captivated the Internet, because this video went viral and now stands at over 3 million views.
Share Charlie and Jackie’s sultry and fun spotlight dance with your family and friends!
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