In the wake of the devastating earthquake in central Italy that claimed the lives of 291 people, survivors are attempting to return to their lives. But for many families who lost loved ones, they must first say goodbye. It was during one of the mass funerals that an emotional moment was captured on camera.
A Cocker Spaniel named Flash was seen leaning against the casket of his owner, Andrea Cossu.
Canine devotion: Dog won't leave his master's coffin.
The dog, named Flash, refused to leave the spot, repeatedly…
Posted by This is Christian Italy on Sunday, August 28, 2016
The loyal dog refused to leave the spot and pawed at the casket. The pair were said to be inseparable prior to his death, the Telegraph reported. Cossu died after a building fell on him in Pescara del Tronto, where he was vacationing. Flash will be looked after by Cossu’s wife, who survived the quake.
In the video below, Flash can be seen lying by Cossu’s coffin. Flash’s grief is a reminder of the unwavering devotion and loyalty that dogs have for their humans.
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