The World’s Last Male Northern White Rhino Has Passed Away

The last male northern white rhino has died, leaving only two females to save the species from total extinction. Sudan was known as the “gentle giant” and lived on the Ol Pejeta conservancy in Kenya.

He previously spent 35 years in captivity at a zoo in the Czech Republic before he was brought to Kenya to live out his days in his natural habitat. But due to his rarity and the fact he was reared around people, he was guarded 24 hours a day because of the threat of rhino poachers.

One of Sudan’s guards shared that the rhino was very friendly. “When we call his name, he will respond by coming,” he said. “Sudan feels comfortable when he is being scratched under the belly and behind the ears and he feels very relaxed.”

Sudan was humanely put down on Monday March 19, 2018, after the pain from a degenerative illness became too great. With Sudan’s passing there are only two northern white rhinos left in existence – Sudan’s daughter and granddaughter.

Below is further footage of Sudan at the conservancy enjoying a nap and getting a mud rub.

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