Just like human children, these two baby elephants lagged behind their mothers while at a riverbank in Kenya. But the moment their mothers call for them, the two youngsters sprint to find their mothers who have crossed the river ahead of them.
Save the Elephants shared the video, shot by one of their international interns in Kenya. They write: “Two baby elephants scramble to find their mothers, who have crossed the river before them. A rare glimpse of how fast these elephants can really run!”
Many people who watched the video remarked at how adorable the elephant calves look while running. One person commented, “They look as though they are having the time of their life: Just adore the flapping ears as they run!”
Another person also adores the calves, writing, “Oh my God their baby ears flapping while they run! I can’t handle the cuteness.”
Save the Elephants is a non-profit devoted to saving wild elephants throughout Kenya. The charity supports many rescues of elephant calves who lose their families due to poaching or natural causes.
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