When this man lost his best friend, a red heeler named Mika, a few months ago he was deeply saddened. She had been his constant companion on the family’s farm and was with him every day, the entire day.
His wife writes on YouTube, “My husband lost his best friend, his dog (red heeler) Mika, a few months ago. She went everywhere with him. She went to work with him on the sod farm every day and even rode the equipment with him. She was with him from the time he got up till he went to bed. He mourned her horribly.”
His family felt he should have another dog and when his daughter learned of a litter of puppies born on his birthday she knew she had to go see them. “My daughter found a litter of pups who were born on his birthday and decided it was a sign,” the mom from Missouri writes. “So we took a road trip with my granddaughters to pick one out.”
One puppy stood out from the pack.
“Boone was the one that really took to my 4-year-old granddaughter so he was the one,” the woman writes. “She kept it a secret for over two weeks! She got to deliver him to her Papa.”
Keeping it a secret shows great willpower on the part of the granddaughter, but also shows how much she knew her granddad would love his surprise.
“We knew his reaction would be emotional but never expected this. He may be a big tough guy but he has an even bigger heart,” adds his wife.
Watch his reaction for yourself in the video below.
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