There’s nothing more devastating for a family than when a beloved pet goes missing. For Jamie Bandy and her family they were “starting to lose hope” after their dog Bruiser went missing two months ago. But the tears of sadness turned to ones of joy when the family was reunited with Bruiser. And that was especially the case with Jaime’s 10-year-old son, Tyler, who couldn’t contain his relief and joy when he saw his best buddy again!
Jamie Bandy told Storyful that Bruiser had gone missing on January 4 when he slipped his leash to chase after a rabbit and never came back. The Florida family searched frantically for him, posting to Facebook, putting out clothes with familiar scent near where he went missing and posting flyers with rewards. They were also in frequent contact with Polk County Animal Control. But there was not a sign of Bruiser anywhere. It was like their beloved Pit Bull had vanished.
But on March 4, Jaime received a call from Highlands County Animal Control, who said they had Bruiser in their care. The mom decided to arrange a special surprise for Tyler, which was captured on video.
Tyler comes home from school and casually walks into the kitchen only to recognize Bruiser is running towards him. The boy looks shocked and he falls to his knees to give his best friend a welcome home hug. Then the tears of happiness start.
And Bruiser’s reaction is equally heartwarming. The dog’s tail never stops wagging and he licks Tyler’s tears away! To say these two missed each other would be an understatement. You can watch the touching reunion in the video below:
Highlands Country Sheriff’s Office shared the video online with the caption: ‘Here is a special treat to send you into the weekend crying some happy tears.’
They told Storyful that somebody on their way to Highlands County had picked up Bruiser when he was lost. And after a couple of months, Bruiser ended up in the hands of Animal Services who recognized the dog from Facebook and quickly got in touch with the family!
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