Category: Technology
Charlie, a beloved family dog missing for a week in Illinois, has been reunited with his relieved family thanks to a dedicated rescue team utilizing thermal drone technology to …
A man staying at a hotel in San Francisco had a comical encounter with artificial intelligence when trying to get on the elevator only to find it blocked by …
Marques Brownlee likes to review new technology so he decided to visit 3D Pets and see how they use their advanced 3D printing technology to create custom prosthetic legs …
Kids find unique ways to use technology that they grow up with – using it in ways most adults would never think of. And many times the way in …
There’s increasing Internet chatter from cybersecurity experts advising to wrap car fobs in aluminum foil or faraday pouches to thwart car thieves. But is there any validity to this …
Unlike in the United States, parking a car in much of the world can be a serious pain. That’s because space is in short supply. This car owner, who …
Would you be brave enough to cross this Japanese bridge? The Eshima Ohashi bridge in Japan is the third largest rigid frame of its kind in the world and …
Americans drink 6.3 billion gallons of beer – half of which is sold in cans. But did you know that the majority of the plastic six-pack rings that package …
Hot dogs are a popular staple at sports events, barbecues and other events around North America. But have you ever wondered how they get made? The Science Channel’s How …
After Freddy the tortoise lost most of his shell in a devastating forest fire, veterinarians turned to new technology to help him heal. With the help of 3D designers …
Swedish design engineer Mikael Kjellman wanted to make a weather-protected bicycle in order to ride in comfort so invented what he calls the PodRide. The PodRide has four wheels, …
Don and Lorraine have been married for 25 years and in that time couple have run a farm, had three kids and share a life together. But their life …
It’s a sad reality is that violence against women continues to be prevalent in our society. Wanting to arm women with something to protect them from attacks, Yasmin Mustafa …
Martin Molin has taken what a marble machine can do and created something so imaginative you’ll have to see (and hear) it to believe it. With 2,000 marbles, numerous …
I’ve always thought my dryer’s lint filter was clean if I removed the lint and could see through it. But it turns out that if you use any kind …
Many of us are sometimes lazy with our cell phones, leaving them on our bed or charging them on a couch or on top of a pillow. But the …
The Atlantic Ocean is known for its fierce storms so building a road right over it may seem a little bit crazy. But that’s what Norway did with its …
Anyone who regularly rides horses always has their horses’ safety in the back of their mind. For Sami Gros, that point was hit home when her horse and friend …
Is there a way to trick a potential thief, rapist or mugger using only your car keys? Bryan Silva thinks so and shared a tip that he believes might …
Kenneth Shinozuka is an incredible young man, who loves his grandfather. When his grandfather, who has Alzheimer’s, began wandering away from home, Kenneth wanted to do something to help …
A public hospital employee named Julia Thompson wants people to take a few moments and add something to their iPhone that could potentially help save your life during an …
Wait until you see what German artist Rene Turrek has hidden in the paint job on this purple Lamborghini. By using thermochromatic paint, all it takes is a splash …
If you are like me, I’m sure you find yourself taking most of your photos with your smartphone rather than a camera these days. It’s because I always have …
For people living with a disability, a few of the most frustrating things can be feeling less capable than others and having to rely on others for assistance. That’s …
Apple recently released iOS 9 and millions of people have already downloaded it. The latest software update has a cool new feature that can use your iPhone’s data signal …
It’s not a topic or discussion that comes up in public very often. In fact, the sensitive issue is often avoided and yet it affects millions of people worldwide …
When these guys get ready for Halloween, they pull out all the stops. This house in Riverside, California, is most definitely ready for trick or treaters. The gang from …
Do you have piles of VHS tapes of home movies lying around that you want to convert to digital format? Learn how to digitally record those old analog VHS …
Can a concrete structure be packed in a bag and inflated when needed? It turns out the answer is “yes”. In the video below, you’ll see this “concrete tent” …
Camping is one of my all-time favorite things to do and I love discovering the amazing tiny campers being built these days. The Gidget may look vintage or retro …
If you’ve ever given blood, you’ll know that even the most skilled nurses sometimes have a struggle to locate veins. Sometimes it’s because a patient is dehydrated, sometimes the …
You might have been taught by your parents that it’s a good idea to warm up your car a few minutes before driving on a cold morning. “It will …
Many traffic accidents occur when cars try to overtake semi-trailer trucks and the primary reason is because of poor visibility. But Samsung has come up with an innovative technology …
Have you ever wanted to have a conversation with someone in a foreign language only to be thwarted by the language barrier? Anyone who has read The Hitchhiker’s Guide …
Japanese bathrooms are separated into three areas: sink, bath/shower, and toilet. Why do we combine all three in the West? That’s what this little girl ponders as she explains …