Dog Swims 6 Miles And Walks 12 More To Find Family After Falling Off Boat

A 10-month-old puppy swam 6 miles and then walked 12 more to find her family after falling off a boat on Lake Michigan. Belgian Malinois, Rylee, was very determined to make it home to Edward and Kristin Casas after she accidentally fell overboard while they were out for a quiet boat ride.

The family’s ordeal began when their boat broke down a few miles out from shore. Tending to the repairs, Kristin stayed in the cabin thinking that Rylee was with Ed, and Ed went to the top of the boat to fi things thinking Rylee was with Kristin. A few minutes later, the couple searched for Rylee onboard and realized she was missing.

In a panic, they immediately put out a mayday call to enlist help of boaters out that day. They scoured the waters for hours until their boat could no longer run along with the help of many locals and the coast guard.

But after hours of searching, no Rylee. Finally, one boater said that they had pulled Rylee out of the water and dropped her off on a nearby beach. Hope was renewed that she would be found and news came the next day that Rylee had been spotted in the nearby woods.

Edward and Kristin immediately drove out to the area and called out for their dog. Soon after, Rylee was back in the arms of her relieved family!

Watch the full story of Rylee’s adventure in the video below and share it with your friends!

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