Dunkin the dog is not exactly a fussy eater, but he does have this one quirk – he wants his kibble prepared like human food is. And what we mean by that is that it needs to be put in the microwave first.
Just like Luna the adorable Golden Retriever who has to have his food put in the oven, Dunkin observed that the microwave is where human food goes, so he won’t eat his dinner until it gets “zapped”.
Says his mom, Haley Deecken, “Dunkin doesn’t eat unless i microwave his food because he thinks once it goes in the microwave it magically becomes human food.”
In actuality, it’s all for show. His human simply puts the kibble into the microwave and turns it on for 3 seconds. As soon as it comes out of the microwave, Dunkin is ready to dig in!
Watch the adorable clip of Dunkin below.
Since sharing the video many people have shared their own stories of their dog’s eating habits.
“I used to do this for my dog, too. (Passed away from old age.) She would practically squeal from anticipation if I prepared it with a little theatrics – I carefully stirred it, set it on top of the glass-topped stove to stir it more, sometimes pretending to shake on some spice from a spice jar,” writes orangerobotgal. “She saw me cook ‘like that’ for my hubby and kids, so she probably thought I was likewise fussing over her food.”
Does your dog have a quirky eating habit?
Dunkin has other adorable quirks too such as liking to be washed in the kitchen sink! Watch that video here.
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