Drug-Addicted Puppy Reunites With Cop Who Saved His Life

When Officer Jeremy Laurich with the Tustin Police Department first saw Bubba, the puppy was living in a drug den and had been exposed to the illicit chemicals because of his owners. Vets later found heroin, methamphetamine and nicotine in the terrier mix’s system.

Officer Laurich took Bubba to Orange County Animal Care, where they carefully monitored the puppy as he came off the drugs and was treated for drug addiction. Bubba’s former owner was arrested and faces animal cruelty charges in addition to other charges.

Nearly two months later, Bubba (who is estimated to be 5 to 6 months old) is doing much better.

“We are happy to report Bubba has been treated for his drug addiction and is doing excellent,” Tustin Police Department wrote online. He also recently got a visit from Officer Laurich, who wanted to check on Bubba’s progress.

As you can see from the video below, the two really enjoyed their reunion!

Bubba has adjusted very well and is one of the County shelter staff’s “favorites”. Assistant Director Katie Ingram told the Tustin Police Department that “Bubba is very social, and has multiple rescue groups waiting to take him when he is released.”


Tustin Police Department

It’s really good to know Bubba is okay considering the terrible situation he began life in. I’m so glad he was rescued by such kind-hearted officers!

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