Dueling Jingle Bells Is A Huge Audience Favorite For United States Navy Band

When it comes to dueling during the holidays, The United States Navy Band has a civilized way of settling a dispute – dueling Jingle Bells.

The dispute is whether or not Christmas music is better played on the guitar or banjo.

Senior Chief Petty Officer Keith Arneson (on banjo) and Petty Officer 1st Class Joe Friedman (on guitar) are the two that duel it out. They start by jokingly raising their fists and then get to strumming and picking. Among the tunes is one that has a sci-fi bent.

For the United States Navy Band this number a true audience favorite at their Holiday Concert and you’ll see why in the video below (alternate format to YouTube also included below):

United States Navy Band puts on a great show. Here they are singing White Christmas, another audience favorite.

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