Riverdance is a theatrical show featuring traditional Irish music and dance that has become one of the most successful dance productions in the world, in large part thanks to the charisma and choreography Michael Flatley brought to the production during its first year.
What is now known as Riverdance originated as an interval act during the 1994 Eurovision Song Contest and evolved into a stage show featuring Irish dancing champions Jean Butler and Flatley.
The first performance on February 9, 1995 was a huge success and since then the show has visited 450 venues worldwide and been seen by over 25 million people!
However, Flatley’s tenure with the show was short lived after creative differences with producers lead to a break just 21 hours before the show was going to open for a second run in London on October 3, 1995.
That’s why the performance in the video below came to be known as “The Final performance” of Riverdance featuring Flatley.
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