Gene Wilder, the legendary comedian and actor, has passed away. The beloved star of Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory was 83 years old. His family released a statement that the actor had died on August 29, 2016 from complications from Alzheimer’s disease.
In the family’s statement they said he had been living with the disease for the last three years. “The choice to keep this private was his choice, in talking with us and making a decision as a family,” the statement written by Wilder’s nephew Jordan Walker-Pearlman read. “We understand for all the emotional and physical challenges this situation presented we have been among the lucky ones – this illness-pirate, unlike in so many cases, never stole his ability to recognize those that were closest to him, nor took command of his central-gentle-life affirming core personality. It took enough, but not that.”
“He was 83 and passed holding our hands with the same tenderness and love he exhibited as long as I can remember. As our hands clutched and he performed one last breath, the music speaker, which was set to random, began to blare out one of his favorites: Ella Fitzgerald. There is a picture of he and Ella meeting at a London Bistro some years ago that are among each [of our] cherished possessions. She was singing ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ as he was taken away.”
The actor starred in many of Mel Brooks’ classic movies including Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein (which he co-wrote). But it’s probably his role in the 1971 version of Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory for which he will be best remembered.
Here is a clip from that film, of Wilder singing “Pure Imagination”.
Rest in Peace, Gene.
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