Three Good Samaritans Save Deputy From Attacker To Make Sure He Can Go Home To His Family

When three strangers saw a deputy being beaten, they all rushed to his aid, ensuring he would go home to his family.

Florida Deputy Walsh was on duty when he pulled over a man for running a stop sign. But the driver, identified as Corey Johnson, slammed the door out on Deputy Walsh and began beating him up. Johnson hit Walsh over the head, took his radio and was trying to grab Walsh’s gun belt when the Good Samaritans rushed to his aid.

Bystander George Cooper saw what was happening and didn’t let his torn ACL stop him from running over to help. “I wasn’t going to let him beat that officer. Because hey, he is a man just like I am. He has children, he has a wife and he has a family,” Cooper told Fox13 News. “I want him to be able to go home to his family like I come home to my family.” Cooper managed to pull Johnson off of Walsh and the suspect ran off.

Meanwhile, Good Samaritan Antonio Velazquez also wanted to help when he saw the officer was in trouble. He and another Good Samaritan chased after Johnson and held him until police reinforcements arrived. Apparently, Johnson has 7 prior arrests and is now back in jail.

It was a remarkable act of heroism by the three men!

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