The photo is heartbreaking to see – a Great Pyrenees standing watch over his fallen companion who was hit and killed by a car on a Dallas highway. Samuel Flores was driving by when he saw the dogs and he immediately snapped the pictures and posted them to a social media page for local animal rescuers asking for help. He then waited with the Great Pyrenees and the deceased dog until rescuers came.
When Jessy Faiferlick arrived, and the dog realized she was there to help, the gentle dog sat down and gave her a paw. Animal rescuer Julie Fennell also arrived and drove the Pyrenees to Terese Cleek at Dallas Animal Services, where he was given a deworming and round of vaccinations. As she drove him to the shelter, the friendly dog extended his paw again, and put one on her shoulder.
Animal shelter workers believes that the dogs knew each other and were friends. They also believe he had an owner at one time because he has a sweet disposition and his nails were trimmed and ears clean.
As the big white dog was not microchipped and had no tags he will be held for a few days to see if anyone comes forward to claim him. If no one does, he will be turned over to Saving Pyrs in Need Rescue (SPIN). The rescue says they have already received many adoption inquiries and have no doubt he will be adopted within hours if his owner doesn’t come forward.
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