There aren’t many things that men will admit brings them to tears. But this new ad that tells the touching story of a girl named Lucy and her father is making millions of dads around the world cry.
Although there are many stories focusing on the bond between mothers and daughters, the relationship between fathers and daughters are equally special as this commercial from Windex explores. The viral ad follows one father and his daughter growing up, and the intercut of touching scenes are paired with the song “Beautiful Thing” sung by Grace VanderWaal, the 13-year-old singer who won the 11th season of America’s Got Talent.
The emotional montage is bringing people to tears, especially men who are commenting how the video has made them sob. One man commented, “Why am I sobbing?” Another wrote, “I am relieved that I am not the only grown man reduced to tears by this girl.”
Who thought something made for a window cleaning product could bring on so many tears? Watch for yourself, and share this heartwarming video with your friends and family.
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