Do honey bees really have to die when they sting? This video from Arvin Pierce about bees sets out to find out. The beekeeper explains that if bees sting other insects, they’ll likely survive, but if they sting an animal with “elastic skin” (like people), yes, they are likely to die as their innards are pulled out when they try to retrieve their stingers. But there are exceptions, as Pierce shows in the video.
Pierce lets the bees sting him and, instead of swatting them, he gives them time to get loose. Within 25-30 seconds several of the bees manage to retrieve their stinger and fly off – surviving the experience!
He explains that stinging is the last thing honey bees want to do. They do it as defence, not aggression. So if you want to save a bee’s life “don’t slap that bee, just give them time to get free,” says Pierce. The beekeeper admits, that no one will probably want to wait the seconds needed for the bees to retrieve their stingers, but it’s a “nice to know”.
Pierce’s key take-away is to help people understand that bees don’t leave their hive looking for somebody to sting. Their main goal is to seek out food sources and bring them back to their hive. But this is an increasing challenge for honey bees. So Pierce wants people to help them by providing a “secure, clean environment with healthy food sources”.
That sounds like a good idea for everyone, don’t you think?
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