Horse Rescues Starving Kitten Who Shows Up At Farm

A horse alerted his mom to a stranger lurking around their farm and now that stranger is part of the family. One day, Stargazer’s mom caught the horse staring towards the neighboring field, alerting his mom that something was going on. “His ears and his face were like what is this?'” his mom said. When she looked over she spotted a tiny starving kitten.

She went and got some food to lure the kitten over and he ran over quickly. He soon approached all of her three horses who began sniffing the kitten through the fence as if welcoming him to the herd.

Horses welcome kitten to their home. Photo credit: The Dodo

The kitten warmed up to the horses immediately, much quicker than to the people. So as to not scare him away, his future mom opted to let him spend the night with the horses. When she went out to the barn in the morning he was still there and he was much friendlier. He began following her around as she did the barn work. She named him Turnip (because he “turned up”), and soon he made himself right at home. After a trip to the vet, he was introduced to their two other cats, and now he’s best friends with both the cats and the horses!

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