Have you got old pennies lying around? Rather than cash them in at the bank, you can use them to spruce up and decorate an old table! ShabbyDIY shows how to create a “penny table” using a bunch of old pennies and a glaze coat.
The first steps are to prepare the old table by using some ‘elbow grease’ and carpentry to make a smooth surface and create a lip around the table’s edge. Arrange the pennies in a pattern you like and then mix and pour the glaze coat on top (they used Famowood Glaze Coat).
Pour the glaze coat in the center so that it spills outwards towards the table’s edges, much like you would do with pancake batter. Then use a wide plastic scraper to spread the glaze coat evenly over the tabletop and work from the center to the edge to ensure a smooth pattern. ShabbyDIY says you have around 15 minutes to do this before the glaze starts setting.
They used 3500 pennies for the project…not bad for $35.00! Wait ’til you see the final result – it’s pretty great!
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