These middle school classmates shared an unexpected reunion in the unlikeliest of places. Judge Mindy Glazer was working in Miami-Dade Bond Court when she recognized the man suspected of burglary in the docket as a former middle school chum. Glazer was working in bond court when she recognized Arthur Booth, 49, whom she described as being “the nicest kid in middle school”. Upon recognizing Glazer, Booth broke down in tears saying, “Oh my goodness, oh my goodness.”
“I’m sorry to see you there, I always wondered what happened to you sir,” Glazer says to Booth as he continues crying. “This was the nicest kid in middle school, he was the best kid in middle school. I used to play football with him, all the kids, and look what has happened.”
Booth’s charges included burglary, grand theft, fleeing, and resisting arrest. His bail was set at $43,000.
As Booth keeps crying and repeating “oh my goodness”, Glazer is wistful about the situation. “What’s sad is how old we’ve become,” she says, adding: “Good luck to you, sir, I hope you are able to come out of this OK and just lead a lawful life.”
What an unfortunate and unexpected reunion. I can only hope it has a lasting impression on Booth.
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