Lonely Cow in Need of a Friend Meets a Rescue Dog Looking for One Too

A lonely cow named Eowan has a friend thanks to some creative thinking by her adoptive family. Eowan was surrendered by a farmer after her mother stopped producing enough milk. She came to Schoharie Creek Sanctuary, where Bill and Lauren, who run the sanctuary, quickly found out she has Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD), a viral disease that usually results in calves being culled so they do not spread it to the herd. 

Bill and Lauren immediately put Eowan in a separate plot and gave her a shelter. But cows are social animals, and they knew Eowan needed a friend. After they talked with their vet, they determined the best companion would be a farm dog. Dogs, cats and humans are not susceptible to BVD. 

Bill and Lauren found Otis, a rescue Great Pyrenees who had been given up by his owners after he escaped onto a neighbor’s property and gotten shot. They didn’t know how the two animals would get along, but the pair immediately played together, and they have been inseparable ever since.

Watch the two’s friendship unfold in the video below:

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