When this couple got their first dog together they wanted to do something to help him settle into his new home, so they made him a very special dog bed. Not just any dog bed but his very own “castle-style” bed.
“Me and my girlfriend got our first dog together, Walter, the miniature Schnauzer!”
“We soon realized a sure fire way to settle him was to sit and let him look out the bay window. Sitting and watching the world go by is his favorite!”
“So, we thought it would be good to build him a house/step that he could use to look out whenever he wanted. Note, I have zero woodworking experience at all and this is my first ever project so it is pretty small in scope and isn’t the most aesthetically pleasing thing I could have built!”
“I went to the local hardware store and bought a sheet of 2.44m x 1.22m x 18mm MDF. I got them to cut it in store into 6 equal rectangles of ~ 0.8m x 0.6m x 18mm. I then drew up plans for how I wanted the castle to look and laid it out as above before screwing it together.”
“Initially the height of the roof (where Walter would be laying) was 60cm and the height of each corner turret was 70cm. However, once I’d assembled it it looked huge in the living room, and too big for Walter to jump off. So I cut 10cm off the bottom and then raised the door by 10cm to compensate.”
“I also had enough spare MDF from offcuts to make a 30cm x 20cm step. My options here were either to make a step or a ramp – a ramp would have been easier for Walter but it would have either been too steep or taken up too much room in the living room to achieve a nice gradual gradient.”
“After screwing the MDF together it was obvious that it was too slippery for Walter to get any traction on. So I bought some grip tape and laid it on in strips on the step and roof.”
“I then bought a 1.1m x 0.6m length of carpet and cut it down the middle, placing one on the inside and one on the roof (for comfort and grip).”
“Here he is, peering out the window!”
“The roof is long enough for him to be fully on, however he enjoys hanging a paw or two off!”
Not bad for a project that cost a total of £35 ($45USD). Walter’s handyman dad says he plans on adding a little name plaque above the door as a finishing touch!
Share Walter’s adorable “welcome home” gift/bed with your friends and fmaily.
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