A baby moose abandoned by her mother was very sick and been alone for at least two or three days by the time she was rescued and brought to Leffe, who runs a moose park in Sweden. Leffe feared for her life in the first two/three weeks because it’s critical for baby moose to get enough milk if they are to survive.
But little Yra-Annis grew better and did survive. She soon made new friends at her home and was strong enough to live outside. But even though Yra-Annis grew bigger she never stopped coming to visit Leffe and his partner Ilona. Yra-Annis comes over for breakfast and eats in the kitchen and has a lie down in the living room. She does have a habit of snacking on their flowers though.
Eventually Yra-Annis was introduced to the other moose that would become her new family on the farm.
Leffe opened Gårdsjö Moose Park in 2007. His love of moose began when, a long time ago, he was asked to take care of a moose calf that had lost its mother in a traffic accident. He did everything he could to save the moose but she died a week later. But his love of the animals began and he dreamed of one day opening a moose park. Now Gårdsjö Moose Park is a premiere tourist destination in Sweden and Leffe continues his rescue efforts taking in moose like Yra-Annis.
Olivia is another moose that Leffe saved when she was rejected by her mother and likes to come into the house. Leffe and Ilola share more of their life with moose in the video below:
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