A senior dog smelt like a sewer and looked even worse when Hope for Paws came to rescue him at a water treatment facility in Los Angeles.
A sanitation plant is an extremely dangerous place for an animal or a human, and the rescue was especially called in to help the dog and given special clearance to do so. When you first see him, he is so dejected and defeated. That’s why it’s so amazing to see a smile come back to his face just from getting a bath and some TLC!
Life has completely changed for Mufasa since he was rescued. He’s about 8 years old and went into foster care with Lionel’s Legacy, a senior dog rescue.
Mufasa in foster care. Photo credit: Lionel’s Legacy/Facebook
After extensive medical care (from being exposed to the sewage treatment plant), and massive behavioral rehabilitation, Mufasa has made amazing progress. He’s been adopted and enjoys playing with his best buddy Scout.
Just look at him now!
Photo credit: Lionel’s Legacy
Lionel’s Legacy writes, “It has been over a year since being adopted and thanks to his new mom, she has put in a lot of work with him and still continues to do so, she is committed to him for life!”
Here’s a short video of Mufasa happily playing with Scout.
Share this wonderful rescue with your friends and family!
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