9 Reasons Why You Should Not Bite Your Nails

Nail biting is a relatively common habit that affects people of all ages. In fact, it’s estimated that 30 percent of children, 45 percent of teenagers, and 25 percent of adults bite their nails. Most doctors agree that nail biting often stems from stress and nervousness. Aside from the social embarrassment that may come from ugly bitten nails, there are quite a few health concerns that people should be aware of. Some are gross and some are downright scary!

1. You could get sick more often. Pathogenic bacteria live under your nails. By biting your nails you expose your mouth (and rest of your body) to bacteria that may lead to infections and increased likelihood of catching a cold or flu.


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2. Bad breath. All that added bacteria to your mouth can lead to stinky breath. No one likes smelling bad breath!


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3. Your nails could become infected. Nail biters are more susceptible to a skin infection called paronychia. This infection is caused when microorganisms enter lesions or cuts around the nails which leads to redness, swelling and infection. If left untreated, the pus that collects around the fingers may have to be drained surgically.


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4. Increased chance of warts and cold sores. People who bite their nails tend to get human papillomavirus (HPV) more commonly. The herpes virus can lead to warts and it can also be spread to your mouth area and lips.


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5. Dental and gum issues. Prolonged and chronic nail biting can alter your bite (malocclusion of the anterior teeth) and wear down the enamel on your teeth. It can also cause accidental trauma to your gums, especially if the nails get stuck under your gum tissue.

6. Teeth grinding. Unfortunately, if you regularly bite your nails you are also susceptible to grinding your teeth at night, which can lead to serious dental damage and eventually tooth loss.

7. Nail varnish is poison. If you put nail varnish on your nails and bite them you are exposing yourself to formaldehyde, not a chemical you want to digest. It’s poison!

8. Nail biting is a habit associated with nerves and boredom. Studies show nail biting is indicative of boredom or emotional stress. The more nail biters engage in social interaction, recognize their stress and are told not to bite their nails, the less likely they are to do it.

9. You can permanently lose your nails. Longterm biting can damage the nail bed, which can lead to irreversible shortening of nails. With no nail bed, nails cannot grow, meaning they will stay stumpy forever!


Photo credit: Wikipedia

If these aren’t reasons to stop biting your nails I don’t know what are. Pass these facts along to your friends and family or someone you know that might need help in stopping their nail-biting habit.

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