Seven Newfoundland Puppies Found Living Alone On Desolate Island

Seven Newfoundland puppies were discovered living on a desolate island in the middle of a lake in Canada. The rescue of the litter has captured the hearts of people around the world.

The puppies were first discovered by a passing boater, who heard yelping coming from the uninhabited island.

Volunteers from Norway House Animal Rescue ventured north to pick up the puppies and drive them back to Winnipeg where they are now being looked after. They named the puppies the “Gilligan’s Island crew” because they have no idea how the puppies became shipwrecked on the island.

According to Deb Vandekerkhove, a local boater named Junior Cook was with a friend and heard animal sounds but it was getting dark and he couldn’t see the puppies.

“They took their binoculars and they couldn’t see anything but some dark shadows, and they heard a bunch of crying,” she told CBC News. “They thought originally it was wolves.”

But he returned the next morning and discovered the puppies.

He fed them, but they were wary of people approaching, so he reached out to Norway House Animal Rescue. Volunteers drove north to help rescue the pups. “Operation ‘Gilligan’s Island’ is underway,” the group wrote on its Facebook page as they provided updates about the unusual rescue.

“They will be the Gilligan’s Island crew — four boys, three girls,” Vandekerkhove, told CBC News. “As we meet them, we will attach their names based on their personality — you know, who’s the goof, who’s the boss.”

She said the puppies were not familiar with humans. “They’re getting better with people now, which is a good thing because they were terrified of them when they first came.”

Norway House Animal Rescue

The dogs arrived safely in Winnipeg on Friday. “Operation Gilligan’s Island is now complete,” the group wrote. “Over 1700 kilometres or converted to over 1000 miles traveled to pick up the puppies and other homeless animals.”

The puppies have since been named, with rescuers revealing, “Skipper and Gilligan are best of friends.”

Norway House Animal Rescue

Since their rescue, the pups’ rescue has gone viral around the world.

The puppies have since been adopted through Winnipeg Pet Rescue.

To support Norway House Animal Rescue visit their Facebook page.

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