Police Officer David Gomez recently responded to a call of two vicious dogs roaming free in a neighborhood Meridian, Idaho, neighborhood. When he arrives he’s charged by the two large dogs who barked at him aggressively. But rather than use lethal force, Officer Gomez stands his ground. How he handled the situation is earning him accolades from dog lovers everywhere.
Video footage from his body cam of the encounter has been shared by the Meridian Police Department and posted on YouTube by Dum Spiro Spero who wrote:
“Meridian (ID) Police Department School Resource Officer David Gomez responds to a complaint of 2 vicious dogs running at large in a residential neighborhood. In 2014, the agency sent 2 officers to the class Defensive Tactics Canine Encounters, which teaches officers a use of force continuum and confidence in less lethal means during canine encounters, while still keeping the officer, innocent bystanders and the public’s canine companions from harm. Animal Control Officers were not immediately available. Officer Gomez put to the test what he learned in his department training session. Meridian Idaho PD and Officer Gomez set a high bar for fellow law enforcement officers across the nation.”
Watch the encounter below.
Throughout the confrontation, Officer Gomez uses every tool in his belt to calm the dogs and avoid using lethal force. The department released the video in the hopes that the video gives other officers the confidence to do the same and to show how aggressive animal training can help keep everyone safe!
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