This story of a dog’s last day on earth broke my heart in a million pieces…and yet it’s a story that’s incredibly life-affirming and full of love.
Photographer Robyn Arouty was glad to a friend’s moral support on the day Duke, the beloved family dog had to be euthanized. Robyn joined the Roberts family as they celebrated their last moments with their beloved family dog and took these photos, accompanied by Duke’s story, on her blog.
Robyn kindly granted permission to republish her photographs and share Duke’s story.
I Died Today. By, Duke Roberts
And I ate a lot of hamburgers. We had a party.
And I laughed.
And I thought about how much I’m going to miss it here.
We told jokes.
We were serious.
My friends from next door came to see me. They’re twins. When someone offered them one of my hamburgers, one said, “No thank you. I don’t want to take any from Dukey.”
Kristen came to see me. She’s a hoot. She’s my groomer. And my buddy.
While we were waiting for the vet to come Kristen said we were going for a walk. Then someone said, “How about a play in the water at the splash park down the street?” So off we went!
“You know I’m going to miss you, right?”
“And you too, right?”
“I need you to help me watch over my family.”
“Did you hear me? This is all I want!”
We got wet today.
We smiled today!
We felt grateful today.
We broke the rules today.
I listened to the kids play off in the distance. And thought about my two babies at home. I loved protecting them.
I relaxed today.
I felt no pain. Even though the tumor grew so big.
I felt the love today.
I said goodbye to my beautiful friend Kira. She “saw” me standing over everybody before the doctor said it was time. I was excited & jumping & happy.
Well, I didn’t say goodbye. I said ’til we meet again.
God, I was lucky. Our time was short. But you both gave me a second chance & we lived it up together. You love when I look at you. I’ll never stop.
**07/09/14 Dukey’s Mama Jordan just found his adoption video from almost 3 years ago. It sealed the deal for her. Don’t put the tissues away just yet. Here’s the real Dukey!
Duke joined the Roberts family when they were expecting their first child. He was diagnosed with osteosarcoma shortly after their daughter’s first birthday. He had his leg removed and was successfully treated. When baby number two arrived, Duke’s cancer returned. The family struggled with their decision, but eventually they knew they had to protect him from further pain. Jordan Roberts, Duke’s dad wrote, “With the help from our friends, Dukey had a beautiful day filled with love and happiness. We should all be so lucky.”
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