Elementary School’s Hilariously Truthful PTA Fundraiser Form Goes Viral

If more schools did this, they probably would have record fundraisers! Dee Wise Heinz shared the following picture on Facebook of the Parent Teacher Association’s fundraising form her child brought home from school. The school’s PTA Alternative Fundraiser outlines the ways that parents can donate funds for the school’s students.

Heinz captured the screenshot and wrote: “I love that our school PTA has a great sense of humor. This form came home with our 7th grader yesterday.”


Photo credit: Dee Wise Heinz

The “alternative fundraiser” is really resonating with parents and the post has gone viral with over 235,000 shares.

Fellow parents have commented: “This. Is. Awesome.” and “I was wondering about such options when my daughter came home with her first fundraiser the second week of school. I’d have much rather seen these options!!” Another wrote, “I bet they raise a TON more money this way.”

I think it’s an exceptionally insightful way of recognizing the time crunch and money crunch that many parents are experiencing. I hope the school’s approach is an inspiration for many more schools to follow suit!

Share this awesome fundraising form with your family and friends!

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