A seal broke into a home in New Zealand and made himself comfortable and lounged on their couch. The Ross family were surprised on Sunday when then found the seal inside. They believe the seal probably followed their cat inside through the cat flap.
“I hear this flippity-flop along the hallway and it’s like, ‘oh, that would be a seal.’ I cannot believe that would’ve come in through there,” homeowner Jenn Ross told Reuters.
She told her kids to come look at their unusual house guest, who they named “Oscar.” Her marine biologist husband, Phil complimented the seal’s manners saying, “he was a very good house guest” as the animal didn’t poop in the house.
Jenn was able to lure the seal outside and a conservation ranger came to pick up Oscar later. The wildlife officer told the family he had had a busy day collecting seals and said the influx of seals inland was probably a result of recent bad weather. But Oscar was the only one that had decided to explore a home.
The seal has since been returned to the ocean.
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