Meet Sovereign, Britain’s tallest horse, who stands at a whopping 10 feet tall. His owners did not think he was destined for such greatness when they rescued him four years ago. He was so neglected and underweight at that time that all it would have taken was a slight push and he would fall to the ground.
But now, thanks to his new owner, Paul Evans, the six-year-old shire horse proudly stands at an incredible 21 hands from his hoof to the bottom of his neck (which is just under 7 feet). And if you measure to the top of his head, he’s an astounding 10 feet tall.
According to Paul, who is 6 feet tall himself, Sovereign is actually still growing and will have a few years yet until he’s full grown! Incredible! He must be an amazing horse to see in person.
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What a contrast it would be if you had Sovereign next to Einstein, who is one of the smallest horses ever born.
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