Tyson Crawley has read his fair share of Facebook posts of people experiencing acts of kindness, but he never experienced to be one of them. Recently, he found himself in an embarrassing bind after pumping up for fuel at his local gas station and unable to pay for it.
That’s when the carpenter was offered some help from a complete stranger. He recounts what happened on Facebook, and his story is quickly going viral.
This is what Tyson wrote:
“So today something incredible happened to me…
“You don’t normally experience these things, but always hear or see a Facebook post about something similar, today this actually happened to me, so please share my post to help spread the word of caring and giving.
“6:20am, I was at the service station, filled up my ute with diesel, filled up my Jerry can with petrol, rolled into the shop, grabbed a couple of dare ice coffees, of course, and went to pay for them. There was a man just before me who grabbed a real coffee, paid for it and left.
“Last night I had transferred all my money into a new bank account, which once I got to the register I realized I didn’t have my new bank card on me.
“I tried using one that had a joint account to it but I could not for the life of me remember my PIN number! After searching through my iPhone bank app to figure out how to reset my pin I had failed.
My dog was barking wildly, I had to get to work, and I was starting to freak.
“This man walks back in, ‘Do you need some money?’
“I replied, ‘No no no I just can’t remember my pin!’
“He then continues ‘It’s fine.’
“I wasn’t quite sure what he meant, but he walked around me towards the register. Within a second I realized, and said, ‘No no no please! It’s ok! I have the money I just can’t remember my pin!’
“The attendant at the register was just as gobsmacked as me. He replies, ‘It’s a free country isn’t it? I can help a brother out can’t I?’
“She says, ‘I can’t do anything without his (me) permission.’
“I was absolutely stunned, I couldn’t believe it. It totalled $110, not a sum we kind of just throw away.”
Posted by Tyson Crawley on Friday, September 23, 2016
“He continually convinced me it was ok, after I ran out of options I ever so gratefully accepted. Upon the instance I accepted, I said, ‘Please mate, give me your number, I will contact you and pay you back immediately, please can you write down your number?'”
“The attendant handed him the receipt, she passed him a pen, he wrote down on it, folded it and handed it to me.
“With mass amounts of being overwhelmed and grateful, I said, ‘Please take a photo with me.’ He said, ‘Sure!’
“He then left and said, ‘Have a good day.’
“I turned around to the attendant and she said, ‘Well that doesn’t happen everyday.’
“I told her I was just gobsmacked. She replies, ‘It’s your lucky day.’
“I turned around to leave, and he was gone, literally gone. I went outside to my ute and could not see him anywhere.
“I opened the receipt to look at his name and number, and this picture says it all…”
Posted by Tyson Crawley on Friday, September 23, 2016
“Please be beautiful people, and remember it’s not about keeping up with the joneses, having the biggest house, most expensive car, the largest bank account, but work with each other. After all, what is money compared to the quality of human life?”
So today something incredible happened to me….. Please read ,see photos, and share this post…..
You don’t normally…
Posted by Tyson Crawley on Friday, September 23, 2016
Tyson’s wonderful story hasn’t gone unnoticed and has picked up by media outlets around the world. As result, Tyson discovered the identity of his mysterious benefactor – John Kennedy Jr., an American ice hockey player. The two met up again and had a great chat. Tyson also said that he’s already paid it forward, by paying for someone else’s gas.
If you loved this act of kindness, please share it with your family and friends.
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