Anthony Ruelas, 15, is an eighth-grader at an alternative middle school in Texas, who was recently suspended for two days helping a classmate having an asthma attack.
Apparently, during one of his classes a student was having troubles breathing and told the teacher she was having an asthma attack. Anthony said this went on for three minutes while the class waited for a response by email from the school nurse. But, when the girl fell out of her chair, Anthony could not stand by and do nothing and ended up picking up the girl and carrying her to the nurse.
Now his mother, Mandy, is coming to her son’s defence, saying he should not have been suspended for doing the right thing. She spoke with KCEN News and showed the note from the teacher that she received which describes the incident. It reads:
“During 5th period another student complained that she couldn’t breathe and was having an asthma attack. As I waited for a response from the nurse the student fell out of her chair to the floor. Anthony proceeded to go over and pick her up, saying ‘f—k that we ain’t got time to wait for no email from the nurse.’ He walks out of class and carries the other student to the nurse.”
Mandy said her son may not be an angel, but this situation was different. “He may not follow instructions all the time, but he does have a great heart.”
Despite his suspension, Anthony says that if he saw a friend in trouble he would most definitely do it again.
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