Four years ago, two members of the Texas Tech Ranch Horse Team left class to help round up some runaway cows in Lubbock, Texas. Two cows were stampeding through the city streets, creating havoc and panic. The cows were running loose on a highway and posing a danger to the public.
Roughly 50 people were on foot trying to prevent anyone from getting hurt and that’s when Sherrod Greeson and True Burson (and two of their friends) showed up on horseback to help catch the cows.
How did they get called out to help? “Well, I was sitting in my swine production class, paying attention and taking real good notes and this guy busted through the door…I guess he saw my hat and he hollered at me ‘Come a running’ so we hoofed it out there…” explains True.
That’s only the beginning of this Texas pair’s colorful interview recounting what they did to catch the cows. Their interview is going viral now probably because of the young men’s thoroughly Texas attitude and good humor explaining what they did during what many would consider a dangerous situation.
By the way, the two cows were successfully corralled after 2 and a half hours. For the two Texas Tech Ranchers, it was all in a day’s work.
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