Trumpeter Stuck In Snowstorm Entertains Hundreds of Stranded Motorists

A Grammy-nominated trumpeter treated hundreds of motorists stranded by a sudden snowstorm to an impromptu performance to help keep their spirits up.

Jens Lindemann was one hundreds of motorists who became stuck for 10 hours on the Trans-Canada Highway west of Calgary, Alberta after a huge amount of snow blanketed the road and caused multiple traffic accidents.

The trumpeter, who has played at Carnegie Hall and for Queen Elizabeth II, decided everyone could use a little bit of cheering up.

He decided to play “Oh Canada” and the “charge” rally for his audience who responded by blaring their car horns.

Lindemann told CBC News, “It was very cold and very snowy out there, extremely difficult conditions to play trumpet in.”

“During the day, it was a little funny at first because I grabbed my trumpet and started playing some trumpet fanfares and O Canada and people were getting out of their cars and talking to each other. There was nothing else to do,” he said.

As nightfall approached, people retreated to their cars but made sure to look out for one another. “Ninety-five per cent of people knew what to do and we made the best of the situation, and they looked out for the other five per cent. So I’m just glad everybody seemed to have gotten through the night,” he said.

You can listen to a little bit of Lindemann playing the trumpet in the clip below.

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